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May 28, 2024

May 28, 2024


Systematic Sales

Pre-Sell Customers via Asset-Based Outbound

Pre-Sell Customers via Asset-Based Outbound

Pre-Sell Customers via Asset-Based Outbound

Pink Flower

Why Use Assets?

In cold outbound, you are reaching out to individuals who have no knowledge of who you are, do not like you, do not know you, and do not care about you. Therefore, you need to present a compelling offer to capture their initial interest.

The Tiers of Assets.

Every type of Call-To-Action (CTA) comes with a certain level of friction for the prospect. Here is a general rule of thumb when deciding which types of assets to use:

Personalised Video - Lowest Friction

Videos are easy to watch and follow, making them the least demanding for prospects.

Guides/To-Do's - Medium Friction

Guides require more attention than videos and necessitate that the prospect manually read them.

Booking a Call/Meeting - Highest Friction

Booking a call demands that the prospect set aside time from their day to speak with you, making it the most demanding CTA.

What to Include In The Assets.

Many people believe, "If I provide the lead with too much useful information, they will just do it themselves and see no need to pay me." This couldn't be further from the truth.

Simply put, no one wants to spend more time than necessary on anything. If they can pay someone who is ten times better at the task, they will. Providing as much value as possible in your assets is actually the best approach. It demonstrates your competence to the lead and makes them think, "This person knows their stuff."

Include as much value as you possibly can.

Topics for Assets.

This depends on the service you sell. For example, if you are sending a personalized video to a prospect, you want to make the video about them.

For instance, if I cold email someone offering them cold email services, my asset could be a personalized video where I build them a lead list, write a script, or develop campaign angles.

Always ensure you provide the prospect with enough actionable advice so they could implement it the next day.

Be as creative as possible; the more you differentiate yourself from the crowd, the better.

Effort for Assets

Many people believe it's acceptable to put minimal effort into these assets, thinking they aren't as important as sales calls. However, these assets represent the first touchpoint someone has with your business, and first impressions are crucial.

For video assets, I recommend creating 10-15 minute videos, as that's the sweet spot we've found.

For documents and guides, you only need to create these once, so take the time to make them exceptional.

Book A Call
To Get Started

Book A Call To Get Started

Schedule a meeting with one of our team and let's speak about scaling your business via systematic sales.

Schedule a meeting with one of our team and let's speak about scaling your business via systematic sales.

This is not for you, if your business:

This is not for you, if your business:

Is not making at least $300,000/year.

Does not have any case studies.

Is still searching for PMF

This is for you, if you want to:

This is for you, if you want to:

Scale fast and get new clients predictably.

Save the hassle of hiring a full sales force.

Get 11-15+ qualified sales meetings a month.

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