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May 8, 2024

May 8, 2024


Systematic Sales

Increasing Revenue via Refined Operations

Increasing Revenue via Refined Operations

Increasing Revenue via Refined Operations

Blue Flower

When scaling a B2B company, the initial challenge we typically address is a weak infrastructure. Attempting to scale without robust operations and a solid backend in place is a sure path to increased churn rates and revenue loss.

The roadmap to enhancing operations varies across industries, as each company possesses unique service delivery methods, sales processes, and team structures.

Improving your close rate through an effective sales process.

Many companies overlook the sales process and sales cycle they utilize. In a B2B setting, the sales process is the key to closing more clients and scaling as predictably as possible.

What occurs between each sales call, touchpoint, and individual email can significantly influence the outcome of the sale.

Often in these settings, there is a long sales cycle, which increases the risk of prospects getting cold feet or completely forgetting about you. An effective sales process mitigates this risk.

If you have a discovery call with a prospect, it is essential to send them materials, case studies, and resources before the second call to pre-sell them & warm them up as much as possible.

This can all be done automatically with a CRM, make.com & a copywriter..

When does the sale actually happen?

A common misconception in B2B sales is that the sale happens during the call. In reality, the sale occurs in the background between calls when the prospect discusses the opportunity with business partners, leadership, and other stakeholders. This is why consistent touchpoints every 2-3 days are crucial, even if the sales process extends over six months.

Book A Call
To Get Started

Book A Call To Get Started

Schedule a meeting with one of our team and let's speak about scaling your business via systematic sales.

Schedule a meeting with one of our team and let's speak about scaling your business via systematic sales.

This is not for you, if your business:

This is not for you, if your business:

Is not making at least $300,000/year.

Does not have any case studies.

Is still searching for PMF

This is for you, if you want to:

This is for you, if you want to:

Scale fast and get new clients predictably.

Save the hassle of hiring a full sales force.

Get 11-15+ qualified sales meetings a month.

Expand to new markets.

Trusted by 60+ businesses

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